Starting Small, Thinking Big
About Us
About Us
Kids Cave Schools was established in 2021 in the vibrant community of Area 38 Kaphiri, Lilongwe. Driven by a vision to create an educational institution that nurtures young minds through the Montessori curriculum. Over the years, Kids Cave has grown to serve more than 150 learners, supported by a dedicated team of over 25 staff members.
Our MIssion
To provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that fosters the holistic development of each child through the Montessori curriculum, preparing them to become independent, confident, and lifelong learners.
Our Values
- Child-Centered Learning: Prioritizing the individual needs and potential of each child.
- Respect and Integrity: Fostering a culture of respect, honesty, and ethical behavior.
- Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in education and personal development.
- Community and Collaboration: Building a strong sense of community among students, staff, and parents.
- Innovation: Embracing innovative teaching methods and continuous improvement.
We Prioritizing the individual needs and potential of each child and we believe in the potential of every child and strive to provide an environment where they can dream big and achieve their fullest potential.
Our Motto
Starting Small Thinking Big
Student Results